Nottingham's Baby & Toddler Community Rising Star Award
This award looks to recognise an emerging star within the Nottingham Baby & Toddler Community. This is for an individual or business that has started within the last 18 months. (Started after oct 23) Has created a great impact in what they have started and what they do for Babies, Toddlers and/or parents through activity, products or services!
Must be Nottingham based (NG Postcode), aimed at baby & Toddlers aged 0-5years/new Parents/Guardians of Baby & Toddlers.

Nottingham's Baby & Toddler Community Favourite Small Business
A favourite local independent product based small business that collaborates and contributes to the baby & Toddler community and or loved by Parents & providers. Must be Nottingham based (NG Postcode) with products aimed at baby & Toddlers aged 0-5years/new Parents/Guardians of Baby & Toddlers.

Nottingham’s Most Loved Activity Provider for Babies (pre-walkers)
For the under ones there’s a huge choice of classes and activities to do in Nottingham from Massage, musical sessions to Messy Play and Rhyming and much more!
Who is your favourite provider and why?
Must be Nottingham based (NG Postcode), aimed at babies aged 0+ (prewalkers)

Nottingham's Most Loved Activity Provider for Toddlers & Preschoolers
There is so much for a toddler and pre-schoolers to get involved with from a young age from Sports to Educational classes and Dance to Drama!
Who is your favourite and why?
Must be Nottingham based (NG Postcode), aimed at Toddlers aged 1-5years.

Nottingham’s Most Loved Parent Activity Provider
Recognising those classes and groups who provide support and advice as well as a friendly fun atmosphere for grown ups! From Birth Preparation or Pregnancy Yoga to Post partum exercise classes and relaxation. Must be Nottingham based (NG Postcode), aimed at new Parents/Guardians of Baby & Toddlers.

Nottingham's Most Loved Service Provider for Baby, Toddlers & Parents
Personalised and tailored services that can not be taken from a book! From Weaning to First aid and Breastfeeding to Therapy and parent life coaching services, workshops and sessions.
Must be Nottingham based (NG Postcode), aimed at baby & Toddlers aged 0-5years/new Parents/Guadians of Baby & Toddlers.

Nottingham’s Most Loved Community/Voluntary Stay & Play Group for Baby, Toddlers & Parents
A charity or not for profit community stay & play group that supports the Nottingham Baby & Toddlers community.
Which groups do you think need the recognition for the work they do as volunteers?
Must be Nottingham based (NG Postcode), aimed at baby & Toddlers aged 0-5years

*NEW* Nottingham’s Most Loved Activity Venue or Play Centre or Pop Up Play for 0-5 years
Your favourite one stop place or play set up that keeps your little ones entertained and safe!
Must be based in Nottingham (NG Postcode), aimed at baby & Toddlers aged 0-5years.

Make a Difference Award
This award aims to honour Organisations & Charities who impact the community to make a difference for example a organisation, individual or business that aim to provide a inclusive, equal and diverse start in life and/or incorporate sustainability principles into their activities or Inspire a future generation with positivity and ambition at heart or Aims to raise awareness and provides essential support & care.
Must be Nottingham based(NG Postcode), aimed at Supporting Families

Nottingham’s Most Loved Family Photographer
Someone that has the eye, the diversity and variety of a beautiful talent to capture long lasting memories in a photograph! Must be based in Nottingham, collaborates with the Nottingham Baby & Toddlers Community. (NG Postcode) Specialises in Family Photography/new Parents/newborn/family.

*NEW* Nottingham’s Baby & Toddler Community Champion!
Someone that is dedicated to giving back to the nottingham Baby & Toddler Community. Someone that connects Parents/providers through organising engaging Events, Someone that shares their expertise thorough development workshops, and community initiatives or an Amazing content creator that shares content & is positive influencer to families. ​Must be Nottingham Based (NG Postcode), aimed at NBT providers, Parents, Guardians and families.

Nottingham’s Voted Most Loved Baby & Toddler Activity Leader
Presented by Kat, Baby Sparks
Baby & Toddler Activity Leader of the Year 2023
Someone that goes above and beyond their duty, someone that creates endless memorable interactions with you and and your little one and that’s puts their activities at the heart of what they do. Must be Nottingham Based (NG Postcode), aimed at baby & Toddlers aged 0-5years/new Parents/Guardians of Baby & Toddlers.